He's dead. Jack's dead.
We, we got to the warehouse that Eve and him live in, and they went in first. Suddenly the door slammed shut, and we head Jack say something. Next, next thing we know, we hear something that sounds like steel cutting flesh and a gurgling sound. And, and, I think I heard Jack whisper, "why, eve". Then we heard a thump followed quickly by steel hitting concrete. Then, then everything was quite for a few seconds. Then, ...then we heard Eve laugh. It, it was a horrible laugh, an insane laugh. next thing we know the door flies open and Eve is gone. But, Jack's body, it was still there, gutted and impaled in the ground. We tried to pull the blade out so we could give him a proper burial, but it wouldn't budge. I, I can, why, why did she do it. and, and i thought he couldn't die. why.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Change of Plans
Well, now that I have the past out of the way, I can focus on the present. I'm going to get a van from a near by storage area of mine and we're going to travel back up to New York. Things have been quite since I last saw Neddle-dick, hope it stays that way. Damn, I was really looking forward to some gambling in Vegas, and I love Canadian beer. *pouts*
Oh, and you know how I said I used to be on of Slender's proxies, well, when I started working for him, he gave me two signs of my servitude. Still have them actually. He carved the operator symbol on the inside and outside of both my hands, and, well, let's just say he did something interesting to my eyes. I know my eyes looked normal when you guys met me, but I had special contacts made to hide them. And now you know why I ware gloves Tori. I don't know why I told you guys, but I thought you might like to know.
Oh, and you know how I said I used to be on of Slender's proxies, well, when I started working for him, he gave me two signs of my servitude. Still have them actually. He carved the operator symbol on the inside and outside of both my hands, and, well, let's just say he did something interesting to my eyes. I know my eyes looked normal when you guys met me, but I had special contacts made to hide them. And now you know why I ware gloves Tori. I don't know why I told you guys, but I thought you might like to know.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
A story, part 2: Hatter's Tale.
I was born in the year 10 AD Angeln area of what is now known as Germany, with the name Alwin. When I was 18, I had gotten separated from my clan as we were heading home to our village after a great battle. I wondered the forest for a few days, almost dead from starvation and dehydration, when I found a cave. I heard what sounded like water so I went in in hopes of staving of my thirst. I found what looked like a basin filled with what I thought at the time to be water. I drank a few hand fulls of it and blacked out. I woke up in a small hut. There was an old woman there who informed me that he grandson had found me passed out near the edge of the forest and brought me to her home to nurse me back to health. I thanked her for her help and asked where I could find her grandson to thank him. She told me he had gone into town to get some more food. I went to the the village only to find it under attack. I found the boy and tried to help him, only to be attacked from behind and lose my head for the first time. Everything went black at first, but I soon found myself waking up with the body of that poor boy on top of me. At this point, I was filled with unimaginable fury, and went on my first, insane killing spree. I killed the entire attacking army and fled into the woods to calm down and try and figure out what happened. I found a small lake and looked at my reflection. I seemed perfectly fine, but I noticed a thin scar around the area my head had been severed. I decided to test what was going on and I cut my arm. But, that is where I discovered minor wounds did not heal right away. I was confused at first as to how I could have survived losing my head. I then decide to see what would happen if I took off my whole arm. It hurt like hell, but that is when I found out severe wounds like that healed almost instantly.
Skip forward to the year 913 AD. I had seen the world change in many ways, and gained much wisdom in my years. But, being stuck in the mind set of a 18 year old still made me reckless. I was traveling through the area known as The Black Forest. Now, before I go further, I should tell you all a bit about my people known as the Anglo-Saxons. We had 4 main values, that I still follow to this day. They were Bravery, Loyalty, Generosity, and Friendship. Well, while I was walking through the Forest, I heard a child's scream. I ran to the location as fast as I could. Sadly, but the time I got there, there was no sign of the child, and only found, Him. He looked much different then than he does now. He was dressed as what we of the time respected most, Death. Basically, He was in a long robe with a the hood down, and instead of looking like a skeleton, he was his normal faceless self. I attacked right away knowing he was not human and realizing what He did to that poor child. He instantly wrapped a tentacle around my neck and squeezed. And my head popped like a zit. Yeah, not a pleasant image. It left and interesting scar around my neck to be honest. When I came to, he was still there, but he looked confused as hell. As I regained my senses, I ran at him again and shoved my sword into into his chest. Unfortunately, after I jumped back my sword basically melted out of his chest. He proceed to wrap his tentacles around all my limbs and pulled. To put it lightly, it hurt. I blacked out again, and when I came to, he was gone. We met and fought a few more times over the years, until I started to lose it from being alive for so long. It was the year 1245, when I became his first proxy.
During that time I did so many horrible things, that I still have nightmares about them to this day. I didn't come to my senses until 1667. I had served him long enough, and, believe it or not, had become close enough to Him, that he let me go willingly. He knew I was no threat to him, and would avoid him for the rest of my lift if I could. A few years passed after I left, and I traveled here to this country, America. Hell, I helped inspire the founding fathers to become independent from Britain. I was a bit more mischievous at the time, and was just trying to cause a bit of Anarchy. I had no idea the country would be come what it is now.
Skip forward a few more years to 1950. I was visiting Japan, and meet a young sword smith/swordsman named Akio. He taught me many fighting styles and sword fighting techniques I had never seen before. He also made my cane-sword for me. He was a good man. He was also one of the few people I trusted with my secret. came back to America around 1960. I liked to sometime enroll in high schools to see how many facts in history they got wrong. I met Adam which led to me meeting Eve. We travels together since then and ended up buying a abandoned warehouse in New York that I renovated into a living area for us.
One more skip to May 23, 2010. I received news that my close friend Akio has passed away. At the time I believed it to have be natural. But, a few weeks before my first post on this blog, I receive a letter. It contained a letter telling me the Akio was killed be Him. Needless to say, I was furious. Eve decides to leave for a few weeks to let me calm down, and I discover all of you people. I decide to gain your trust, in hopes you all would help me find a way to kill him. Things happened, causing me to reveal the truth sooner than I had planned. Now I am heading back up to New York to plan.
Oh, and over the years I have changed my name. I now go by the name, Jack Zearfoss.
I need a smoke.
Skip forward to the year 913 AD. I had seen the world change in many ways, and gained much wisdom in my years. But, being stuck in the mind set of a 18 year old still made me reckless. I was traveling through the area known as The Black Forest. Now, before I go further, I should tell you all a bit about my people known as the Anglo-Saxons. We had 4 main values, that I still follow to this day. They were Bravery, Loyalty, Generosity, and Friendship. Well, while I was walking through the Forest, I heard a child's scream. I ran to the location as fast as I could. Sadly, but the time I got there, there was no sign of the child, and only found, Him. He looked much different then than he does now. He was dressed as what we of the time respected most, Death. Basically, He was in a long robe with a the hood down, and instead of looking like a skeleton, he was his normal faceless self. I attacked right away knowing he was not human and realizing what He did to that poor child. He instantly wrapped a tentacle around my neck and squeezed. And my head popped like a zit. Yeah, not a pleasant image. It left and interesting scar around my neck to be honest. When I came to, he was still there, but he looked confused as hell. As I regained my senses, I ran at him again and shoved my sword into into his chest. Unfortunately, after I jumped back my sword basically melted out of his chest. He proceed to wrap his tentacles around all my limbs and pulled. To put it lightly, it hurt. I blacked out again, and when I came to, he was gone. We met and fought a few more times over the years, until I started to lose it from being alive for so long. It was the year 1245, when I became his first proxy.
During that time I did so many horrible things, that I still have nightmares about them to this day. I didn't come to my senses until 1667. I had served him long enough, and, believe it or not, had become close enough to Him, that he let me go willingly. He knew I was no threat to him, and would avoid him for the rest of my lift if I could. A few years passed after I left, and I traveled here to this country, America. Hell, I helped inspire the founding fathers to become independent from Britain. I was a bit more mischievous at the time, and was just trying to cause a bit of Anarchy. I had no idea the country would be come what it is now.
Skip forward a few more years to 1950. I was visiting Japan, and meet a young sword smith/swordsman named Akio. He taught me many fighting styles and sword fighting techniques I had never seen before. He also made my cane-sword for me. He was a good man. He was also one of the few people I trusted with my secret. came back to America around 1960. I liked to sometime enroll in high schools to see how many facts in history they got wrong. I met Adam which led to me meeting Eve. We travels together since then and ended up buying a abandoned warehouse in New York that I renovated into a living area for us.
One more skip to May 23, 2010. I received news that my close friend Akio has passed away. At the time I believed it to have be natural. But, a few weeks before my first post on this blog, I receive a letter. It contained a letter telling me the Akio was killed be Him. Needless to say, I was furious. Eve decides to leave for a few weeks to let me calm down, and I discover all of you people. I decide to gain your trust, in hopes you all would help me find a way to kill him. Things happened, causing me to reveal the truth sooner than I had planned. Now I am heading back up to New York to plan.
Oh, and over the years I have changed my name. I now go by the name, Jack Zearfoss.
I need a smoke.
Friday, September 23, 2011
They found out about the blog and want to be included.
Hi, my name is Evangeline, call me Eva for short. I, I'm the girl who had her legs replaced with goats legs. I, we are very grateful to the man you all know as Hatter. Is is very kind, but kind of scary. But only when he's mad. He, he really tore that horrible circus apart. It, it really scared me at first. I thought he was going to kill us too at first. But, he calmed down enough after killing that mean Ringleader to tell us he came to help. ...The others are bugging to get a turn on the computer.
Hi, I'm Timmy. And I'm Tammy. We're twins. And the two headed clown. We weren't born two headed. The Ringleader tore us in two and reconnected us. He made us scary. And hurt us a lot. But we always tried to stay cheerful. And make the others feel better too. Especially Eva. She always looked so sad. But we could always make her smile. And it always made us happy to. Oh, it's E's turn.
Ok, I need to get Edward some food before he tries to eat the others. I know he's going to be a handful. He's a really fast talker too. Crap, I got to go now.
Hi, my name is Evangeline, call me Eva for short. I, I'm the girl who had her legs replaced with goats legs. I, we are very grateful to the man you all know as Hatter. Is is very kind, but kind of scary. But only when he's mad. He, he really tore that horrible circus apart. It, it really scared me at first. I thought he was going to kill us too at first. But, he calmed down enough after killing that mean Ringleader to tell us he came to help. ...The others are bugging to get a turn on the computer.
Hi, I'm Timmy. And I'm Tammy. We're twins. And the two headed clown. We weren't born two headed. The Ringleader tore us in two and reconnected us. He made us scary. And hurt us a lot. But we always tried to stay cheerful. And make the others feel better too. Especially Eva. She always looked so sad. But we could always make her smile. And it always made us happy to. Oh, it's E's turn.
Ok, I need to get Edward some food before he tries to eat the others. I know he's going to be a handful. He's a really fast talker too. Crap, I got to go now.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
HE ATTACKED ME AN TOOK OF MY ARM!! DAMN THAT HURT!! *sighs* It reattched right away, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. Damn, you guys pissed him of.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
They're ok.
I had a few close calls, but I managed to get the acid out of their systems. Now we wait.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
What I did.
I'm calmed down now, and I can tell you all what happened. Basically, I when back to the circus after everyone had left and got the people trapped and used as freaks free. They weren't always freaks, they were normal people at one point, but that bastard Ringleader kidnapped them when they were young and made them like that. God, I can't believe he did that. I knew the Ringleader when he was younger. He was a surgeon who loved the circus and wanted to start his own. He told me that he'd need a good leading act though. He asked me to help him find some people that he could turn into freaks. I responded by beating the crap out of him and telling him I never want to see him again. And I told him that if I ever found out that he went through with it, I would kill him. And guess what, he went through with it. And guess what I did. I KILLED THE SICK BASTARD, FREED THOSE POOR PEOPLE AND BURNED DOWN THAT DAMN CIRCUS!!
...I brought them back to the hotel with me, and they told me what he did to them. Now I have to use my medical experience to remove acid from all of their blood streams. I unfortunately wont be able to return them to normal. God I wish I could help them further.
...I brought them back to the hotel with me, and they told me what he did to them. Now I have to use my medical experience to remove acid from all of their blood streams. I unfortunately wont be able to return them to normal. God I wish I could help them further.
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