Friday, September 30, 2011

He's dead. Jack's dead.

We, we got to the warehouse that Eve and him live in, and they went in first. Suddenly the door slammed shut, and we head Jack say something. Next, next thing we know, we hear something that sounds like steel cutting flesh and a gurgling sound. And, and, I think I heard Jack whisper, "why, eve". Then we heard a thump followed quickly by steel hitting concrete. Then, then everything was quite for a few seconds. Then, ...then we heard Eve laugh. It, it was a horrible laugh, an insane laugh. next thing we know the door flies open and Eve is gone. But, Jack's body, it was still there, gutted and impaled in the ground. We tried to pull the blade out so we could give him a proper burial, but it wouldn't budge. I, I can, why, why did she do it. and, and i thought he couldn't die. why.


  1. He's not dead, you're all just to weak to pull that sword out to let him regenerate. As long as he's pined there, he will never move again.

  2. Uh, or you leave the sword where it is, widen the hole through which he's pinned and lift him off it....

  3. Yeah, from my experience with them, their all to weak stomached to even get near that body, well, except for Edward, but Ed has stated that Hatter doesn't smell right, and wouldn't go any where near his body. So, he's essentially stuck there, no long to interfere in Our affairs.

  4. Hm.... This has a tres "Excalibur" feel to it...

    Widening bloody Holes?! I'm up for it! Lemme get my rubber gloves :D

    Seriously though, I'm pretty sure Sky, Vic and I would have little to no qualms about carving Jack/Hatter/Insert Name Of The Day Here so he can come back to life....

  5. God, you humans a so stubborn. Stay away from the warehouse, or I'm have Gunn kill you all. Of course, I just remember none of you know where the warehouse is, so I don't think I have to worry.

  6. Why set a "task" and then tell people to stay away? If you want them to fail, they can't even do that if they never try.

    And someone knows where the warehouse is, more than one... whoever wrote the post and whoever was with them.

    Anyone wants to try to free him, I could maybe send help if it's wanted.

  7. See you and Gunn sunday then. Oh, and don't worry about the stare of failure or any of that, it's not going to work on me.

  8. This, this is Eva. We, we tried, to do what you guys suggested, but, his body was so heavy. We, we even got a fork lift that was in the factory, and tried that, but well, he broke the forklift. I, I don't know what we should do.

  9. Oh, did I forget to mention Hatter weighs a lot? and I mean a lot. I don't know how much exactly, but I do know I saw him once stand in front of a wreaking ball, and he stopped it with his hand. And didn't budge an inch. Course, most of us Fears are very strong, and can easily lift him.

  10. Oh, and Nathaniel, you may think otherwise, but I know for a fact you are very much vulnerable to my stare. Just cause slendy messed with your biology, doesn't mean you are immune to Us.

  11. But I don't think one without eyes would suffer, do you?

  12. ...I swear, you so dense. You're supposed to be of the same, whatever slender man is, but you so stupid. Of course it doesn't fucking apply to you. Dumb ass.

  13. The Fear of Failure fails to see what the Other is implying. Rather ironic that you yourself are the failure, am I right?

    And from my personal experiences with Fears that I know, your powers won't work on me if I don't fear what you represent.

  14. I gotta agree with Nathan. The only people who fear failure are the ones don't have the wherewithal to learn from their mistakes. Every experience has the power to teach, and even a failure can be a triumph.

  15. Eva, don't worry. If there's nothing you can do, then just wait for help to arrive.

    Eve, why?

  16. Damn this is like watching a bunch of toddlers attempt trigonometry!

    Stop fighting and go help Jack!


  17. @An: I effing hated the little bit of trig that I had to do in Geometry last year -.-"

    Well Jack/Hatter/Whatever The Fuck You Want To Be Called, good to have you back.
