Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Where I've been

So. Some of you are probably wondering what happened between me and the skinny bastard. You want to know what happened? Really? WELL TOUGH SHIT! I don't feel like telling you anything. All you need to know is we had a falling out, and that the other Fears pissed me off in the time between that and now.

...Ok. I'll give details on that. What they did? THEY ALL TRIED TO KILL ME!!

...Well, except for Archangel. Him and me are cool.

About a week after me and The Skinny One had our falling out, I stumbled upon a door to The Empty City. Curious as to why the place decided to show it's self to me when it hasn't in a couple of centuries, I went in.

That was my first mistake.

As I walked around the city, I started to realize something was wrong. The city was boxing me in. I ended up in a park in the city, where I found the Fears waiting for me. And the ones who couldn't be there in person, their representatives. I was immediately put on guard when I saw them.

The Wooden Bitch spoke first.

Oh, and before I go any further, I should probably mention, A story part 2: Hatter's story... is all a lie. Well, except for the year I was born. Everything else, was lies. Including my birth name. You're about to learn my true name.

WG: Hello, Draco.

Me: That. Is. Not. My. Name.

WG: Why would we address you by the name those puppets we play with give you.

Me: ...fine. If you won't call me Hatter, use the name I've given myself... Ren.

WG: ...Very well. Now, to business-


WG: ...

Dying Man: yOu ArE hErE bEcAuSe YoU hAvE bEeN a ThOrN iN oUr SiDe FoR tOo LoNg.

Me: What the fuck are you talking about. I haven't gotten involved in any of your business in years. *points at Slender Man* Except for that skinny fucker.

Smiling Man: While that may be true, you're existence interferes with The Great Gam-


WG: Yes, when we asked him if he would like to be involved, he declined.

DM: YeAh, He sEeM To aCtUaLlY LiKe yOu. ThE SiCk bAsTaRd.

*at this, the Plague Doctor glared at the Dying Man, ...yeah, don't ask me how he did that with a mask on.*

DM: ...SoRrY.

Me: So. You're planning on trying to kill me. do you expect to do that huh? You've all tried to off me in the past, *gestures to self* obviously without success. How do you plan to do that now, huh?

Plague Doctor: Sssssimple. Wwwwwwe aaaaaaaall aaaaaaaaaattck yyyyyyyyou ttttttttttogether.

My thoughts, fuck.

It's true, they never attacked me all at once before. They could probably kill me if they did.

...and they almost did. The only reason I'm here to type this, The Archangel got me out.

I had managed to fight off most of them, fuck them up pretty good too. But, I was one my last leg. The Skinny Fucker was about to mulch me, when suddenly Archangel appeared out of nowhere, grabbed me, and, next thing I know, we're in Bliss, Archangel's domain. Luckily, to me, that place is different than it is to you. I won't tell you anything about how it truly is, because none of you deserve to know. We talked, he told me how I can fuck with the others, and surprisingly, my role in The Great Game.

Heh, I never knew I had a role in that damn thing. Apparently, I'm one of the few that were made to make things more difficult for the Fears. I mean, whats the point of playing a game if there's no challenge? I'm finally ready to take that role. Course, that doesn't mean I can't fuck with both sides.

See, the thing that Archangel likes about me, is that I'm a wild card. Others like me, are supposed to help you. They do, just they do it from the shadows, and in different ways. Me, I apparently went wrong. It's because Slendy decide pulled me into working for him. It screwed up everything. Now I fight both sides.

Heh, maybe this explains while I was able to kill Eve. ...I eliminated a player.

...maybe I can eliminate more.


  1. If Larvae is considered a player, you have my full support.

  2. To be honest, I'm wondering who the hell that is. I know all the Fears, and Larvae is not one, if anything, it's one of the other many creatures that exist out there that wish to be as powerful as the true Fears.

  3. Sigh.

    Larvae is a roughly identical clone of Slenderman created through a ritual that I'm not even going to describe beyond the fact that it required many sacrifices and a real Fear for the Larvae persona to possess.

    It's abilities consist of being able to transform into any human it has consumed, it can form blades, claws and whatever the hell else it can think of with it's arms and tentacles, and it's inherited all of Deimos' (The Fear host's) abilities and benefits.

    So no, it doesn't wish to be as powerful as a Fear. For all intents and purposes, it IS a Fear. Nathan and your former Boss made sure of that.

    1. *snorts* Mmmk, feel free to keep thinking that. Just know this, unlike the others, you actually have a chance to kill Larvae. Oh, and honestly, Larvae sounds like a knock-off of my friend, Archangel. ...He won't be happy about that. Watch you're back Larvae.

  4. Actually, after skimming Nate's notebook a bit, these mixtures he mentioned will significantly weaken Larvae to the point of it being slightly less powerful than what Reach described Revenants as.
