Saturday, September 17, 2011

What I did.

I'm calmed down now, and I can tell you all what happened. Basically, I when back to the circus after everyone had left and got the people trapped and used as freaks free. They weren't always freaks, they were normal people at one point, but that bastard Ringleader kidnapped them when they were young and made them like that. God, I can't believe he did that. I knew the Ringleader when he was younger. He was a surgeon who loved the circus and wanted to start his own. He told me that he'd need a good leading act though. He asked me to help him find some people that he could turn into freaks. I responded by beating the crap out of him and telling him I never want to see him again. And I told him that if I ever found out that he went through with it, I would kill him. And guess what, he went through with it. And guess what I did. I KILLED THE SICK BASTARD, FREED THOSE POOR PEOPLE AND BURNED DOWN THAT DAMN CIRCUS!!

...I brought them back to the hotel with me, and they told me what he did to them. Now I have to use my medical experience to remove acid from all of their blood streams. I unfortunately wont be able to return them to normal. God I wish I could help them further.


  1. You did what you had to. I'm sure the people you saved will be eternally grateful.

    And on the topic of the Ringleader, good. Some men deserve no mercy. Some men need to die.

  2. ....I kinda wanna meet them...

    And I kinda agree with Nate here, some people really do deserve to die....

  3. Well...not much I can say, Hatter. You're as crazy as ever, it seems.
